Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Report 2023

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Report 2023

Highway and Auto Safety Report

Advocates Roadmap Reports


Highway and Auto Safety Report | Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Report 2023

Every year, thousands of people are killed or injured in traffic accidents on U.S. roads and highways. The 2023 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Report provides a comprehensive analysis of traffic safety trends and provides recommendations for improving road safety for all users. In this article, we'll explore the key findings of the report and discuss the importance of traffic safety initiatives.

Key Findings

The 2023 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Report highlights a number of important trends and statistics related to traffic safety. Some of the key findings include:

  • In 2021, an estimated 38,680 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes on U.S. roads and highways.
  • The majority of these fatalities were caused by driver error, including speeding, distracted driving, and impaired driving.
  • Vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and bicyclists, are at a heightened risk of injury or death in traffic accidents.
  • There is a significant shortage of law enforcement personnel and resources devoted to traffic safety.
  • A lack of comprehensive safety regulations and oversight for emerging technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, is hindering efforts to improve road safety.


The Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Report offers a number of recommendations for improving traffic safety on U.S. roads and highways. Some of the key recommendations include:

  • Enacting comprehensive traffic safety legislation at the federal and state levels, including measures to improve seat belt use, reduce drunk and distracted driving, and protect vulnerable road users.
  • Increasing funding for traffic safety research, enforcement, and education programs.
  • Strengthening regulatory oversight of emerging technologies to ensure that they are developed and deployed with safety in mind.
  • Improving data collection and reporting systems to better understand the root causes of traffic accidents and to guide policy and programming decisions.


In conclusion, the 2023 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Report is an important reminder of the need for continued efforts to improve traffic safety on U.S. roads and highways. The report highlights the significant toll that traffic accidents take on individuals, families, and communities, and it provides important recommendations for addressing the root causes of these accidents. By taking action on these recommendations, we can work together to create a safer and more sustainable transportation system for all.

Highway and Auto Safety Bullet Points

  • An estimated 38,680 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes on U.S. roads and highways in 2021.
  • The majority of these fatalities were caused by driver error, including speeding, distracted driving, and impaired driving.
  • Vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and bicyclists, are at a heightened risk of injury or death in traffic accidents.
  • There is a significant shortage of law enforcement personnel and resources devoted to traffic safety.
  • A lack of comprehensive safety regulations and oversight for emerging technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, is hindering efforts to improve road safety.