Street Safety for Pedestrians in Work Zones

| Street Safety for Pedestrians in Work Zones

Street safety is important for everyone, not just pedestrians. However, when it comes to pedestrian safety and the use of streets, it is important that we express how important it is for everyone to stay safe and know street safety. This street safety can go a long way in teaching both those who are on the roadways working and those passing the roadways how to be safe.

While adults may have learned street safety from school; children are learning this type of safety through street safety games online that teach them the rules of the road. We've compiled some of the best information to help you stay safe while walking, biking, or even driving in work zones. It can save lives!

street safety

Pedestrian Street Safety

If you notice a work zone while you're walking or biking, it is always best to avoid it if possible. This is not always something that can be done though, which is why it is important to know your route, to be alert and prepared, and to maintain a safe distance while passing the work zone.

Street safety begins when you're aware of road work happening while out and about. Paying attention and walking around the work zone is the ideal way to go about work zone safety. Be attentive and careful while walking, biking, or riding around the work zone. As a pedestrian, you do have the right of way, but work zones are dangerous.

One of the biggest rules you should always remember when you're in any work zone is that you need to stay visible. This is to keep you safe, while also keeping everyone else on the roadways safe. Making sure you're seen is the number one rule for you, other pedestrians, and also those working in the work zones.

street safety

Drivers and Street Safety

Drivers are recommended to slow down, be alert, and drive the speed limit when they're in a work zone. This is expected of them to not only be safe for themselves but also to keep those working in these work zones safely, too. It is best if you can move over away from the road work if at all possible while driving by it. This will keep a safe distance between the vehicle and the work zone.

Street safety is important because you want to ensure that you're driving the speed limit, are paying attention to the roads, the people, and things happening, and you've put down all of the distractions. The number of drivers who decide to do this while in work zones is potentially limiting and reducing the number of fatal accidents that occur in work zones due to distracted or fast driving within them.

It is important to keep in mind that these are people working in the zones. When you're not paying attention, are going too fast, or are distracted; this is when accidents in work zones happen. Street safety can start with you when you have the right tips and tricks to stay safe while on the roads.